

noun cor·po·ral \ˈkr-p(ə-)rəl\

Definition of CORPORAL

:  a linen cloth on which the eucharistic elements are placed

Origin of CORPORAL

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin corporale, from Latin, neuter of corporalis; from the doctrine that the bread of the Eucharist becomes or represents the body of Christ
First Known Use: 14th century



Definition of CORPORAL

obsolete :  corporeal, physical
:  of, relating to, or affecting the body <corporal punishment>
cor·po·ral·ly \-p(ə-)rə-lē\ adverb

Origin of CORPORAL

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin corporalis, from corpor-, corpus body — more at midriff
First Known Use: 14th century



Definition of CORPORAL

:  a noncommissioned officer ranking in the army above a private first class and below a sergeant and in the marine corps above a lance corporal and below a sergeant

Origin of CORPORAL

Middle French, lowest noncommissioned officer, alteration of caporal, from Old Italian caporale, from capo head, from Latin caput — more at head
First Known Use: 1579

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CORPORAL[1] Defined for Kids


adjective cor·po·ral \ˈkr-pə-rəl, ˈkr-prəl\

Definition of CORPORAL for Kids

:  of or relating to the body <corporal punishment>

Word Root of CORPORAL

The Latin word corpus, meaning body, and its form corporis give us the root corp or corpor. Words from the Latin corpus have something to do with the body. Corporal is an adjective describing something that has to do with a person's or animal's body. A corporal is a military officer who leads a body of soldiers. A corporation is a body, or group, of people who run a company. A corpse is a dead body.



Definition of CORPORAL for Kids

:  a noncommissioned officer ranking above a private in the army or above a lance corporal in the marine corps
Medical Dictionary


adjective cor·po·ral \ˈkr-p(ə-)rəl\

Medical Definition of CORPORAL

:  of, relating to, or affecting the body <corporal punishment>


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